Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Female Boss Mutterings 3

First time? Start here. Read "The Primer" and follow the link at the end. Chronological order makes more sense for the stories.

More under the breath, nonsensical rantings from the mindless.

"You know, maybe that's the.. maybe that's the ummm... ahahaha hahah." - What the fuck..

"Someone should design a bird handling glove." - I forgot those don't exist..

"Well, I think you can get in a rut in this weather, can't you?" - I don't know how to answer that.

"Excedrin is not for tooth decay." - If that's not on the label it should be.

"Gonna have to ask the vet about the blood in Puppy's stool." - I don't know about you but I love the word "stool."

"Shlomo, shlomo. Sounds like slow motion." - What do you want from me that hasn't already been sufficient with her own stupidity?

"Seems like everyone has June Gloom." - In October..

"He looks like Robin Hood." - While looking at a fax with nothing but text on it.

"Where did the day go!?" - While the clock reads 11:40am.

We'll end with what has to be the quote of the year:

"Sometimes it helps not knowing anything."

Yes. I swear on my life. I think she had an epiphany. The chances of her having an epiphany considering that the statement was said some time last week and I already have 11 new drafts on deck for the blog, chances are the answer is a resounding no. Eh, oh well, more fun for us.


Phelps said...


Not that I expect her to understand google.

Northe said...

Its all made handy under the Angry Time Gift Ideas. Lookin' out for the folks.

HMT said...

"Where did the day go"

Anonymous said...

I asked myself the same thing as I woke up this morning.. O.o


Mexigogue said...

HAHAHAA HMT! With the 8:46 a.m. tag no less!!!