Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Female Boss Mutterings

First time? Start here. Read "The Primer" and follow the link at the end. Chronological order makes more sense for the stories.

We have student style seating here in the office, side by side, sometimes too close it feels as more often than I care to admit I find myself catching Female Boss muttering under her breath some of the most random and even disturbing things. Here's a few I have written down in the past week or so:

"I need some more of that brown stuff." - I don't even wanna know.

"Wow that valium really works." - A statement like that goes over like a fart in church at this point.

"Remember what they said on 60 minutes?" - A pointed question to her imaginary friend I take it.

"That fucking photograph." - She said this as calm as could be.

"I have to neuter Pigfoot." - :(

"There was urine everywhere." - While writing an e-mail to someone.

The sad part is when I first started working here I would actually try to answer/comment or ask her to repeat what she said because I thought she was talking to me. She would almost never respond when I would acknowledge her mutterings. Its all very odd.

Hahahah just now! "Who took a doo doo there?"


Anonymous said...


Who took a doo doo in there? Maybe that time she was talking to you?


Northe said...

I don't see how she could have found out..