First time? Start here. Read "The Primer" and follow the link at the end. Chronological order makes more sense for the stories.
I have a feeling that I have mentioned this before on Angry Time; however, I have neither the gumption to look it up nor the long-term memory to recall how in depth I got into this particular behavior of Male Boss.. Coffee Days for Male Boss. Its filthy.. and I'm not just talking about the hot, filthy, bean water part of it all. I am talking about the ritual. Whenever this clod feels like making some coffee he doesn't go for the coffee maker, nay! He goes for this fuckin crazy ass contraption. I guess its his wannabe turkish side comin' out. Who knows. I don't pretend to understand this beverage nor do I give two shits, I'm just here to share. Cuz its one thing for you turtle neck wearing, iMac fruitcups to go for your $5 cup of fuckin bean water but its another thing to heat up your mud cocktail in one of those absurd looking, ornate, turkish coffee pots (thats hand painted like this by the way!) it just becomes embarrassing. You want a fuckin doily with that, you priss? Is a regular coffee pot not good enuff for you? Is Krups not up to your standards on pouring hot water over your granules? Is the coffee that much different tasting brewed in some wannabe 18th century vase? Jeezus christ you people piss me off..
So whenever he wants his fill of caffeine laden, brown slurry, Male Boss goes through this ritual every single time. Every.. single.. time.. and realize, its not so much the process of brewing the coffee in that Barbie-time coffee maker thingamajig that's the problem its what happens in the process of brewing it. There is no exception. I suppose its part of his coffee making experience. All I know is that he sets himself up for failure consistently. Once he starts the brewing he'll head into the office area or start watching TV in the sitting room. Either way, he forgets about the coffee. This is what I don't get. If I want something, if I going to make something, if I in any way am preparing something for any fucking reason, I remember that I want it! But no, not Male Boss!
For Male boss its brew and brew and brew till the fuckin' thing overflows. Hell, overflow is putting it lightly. The shit cascades down for a good few minutes caking the entire stove in this wretched, dark brown char that requires a chisel to put a dent in. Now let me reiterate. This happens every time this fuck wants a cup of coffee. Trust me, if I had a camera in that mug I'd have pictures of the devastation for you guys. Its flat out disgusting. It smells, its dirty and its just absurd that we have to go thru the same thing several times a week.. fortunately, sometimes only once a week.
Female Boss' reaction to this is complete rage. However, its the same shit. Its the same fuckin speech about how irresponsible he is, how he has his head up his ass and how he needs his mother to clean up after him. On the heels of this grand chastising ritual the other portion of the madness is that Female Boss consistently cleans up after him! She bitches to the high heavens about his stupid ass yet cleans up after him like a whore maid!
Its just dumb. I mean if yer gonna make a ruckus over shit at least pretend like you have a spine and don't clean it up so immediately. Perhaps grab him by his wind pipe and lead him into the kitchen to clean up after his own mess? Nope.. instead its bitch, rinse and repeat... for countless times.. over and over again.
Sidebar: Wouldn't you know it, the week of deciding to post this story the consistency comes to an end. Instead of boiling over his coffee, this time Male Boss totally forgot about the coffee.. for who knows how long. I come in to work at normal time. No one is there.. either they hired a new interior decorator that thought a thin layer of white smoke across the ceiling is the new "in" thing or something is on fire. I rush into the kitchen and his Faberge coffee pot is pumping out more smoke than Krakatoa. No more than 3 seconds after I turn off the stove does Male Boss rush in to the Investment Property from outside.
"Fuck! I forgot the coffee!"
Needless to say the place is completely doused with that smoke-fresh scent. Female Boss was yet to arrive.. she's really gonna love this. Male Boss mentioned she'd likely be coming in sometime after noonish. Makes me want to run down to the store on my lunch break and pick up a few bottles of Febreeze.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Coffee Talk
Posted by
8:40 AM
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Hey I like ur blog come check out my blog at
the names junior
first off, go check junior's blog.
secondly, I might have an imac, but I don't have a turtleneck (yet)
thridly, does he enjoy a hookah with it?
Dude, you are absolutely, and totally -- and this is unusual -- wrong. Turkish coffee is the real deal Hollyfield, and there is no grande soy caramel fuckachino drinker in Seattle that could handle it. IF he is doing it right, he boils it once. That gets 98% of the coffee out. Then he boils it again. That gets 99% of it. Then you boil it again, and that gives you 99.9% of the coffee, plus the heroin that they hide in it.
I'm 180 degrees from you on this one. Turkish coffee is MAN coffee.
Hahah I heard the same thing from Shaft right after I posted this one, Commissioner. He said the shit was no joke. Perhaps I am wrong but here's the method to my madness on this one.
I wouldn't know coffee from the feel of a man's anoos. All I know is if it requires a hand painted anything I raise my eyebrow of criticism and sling forth the, apparently undeserved, hatred. Now if he was brewing this shit in the skull of his grandfather or from within a hollowed out sceptre of some warrior king there would be no judgements made. Its almost like seeing a man using a nail file.
As far as the method he uses to make the coffee I would imagine he not only boils out whatever it is to a millionth of a percent but its consistency is either akin to tree sap or some sort of granite. The crazy shit is I don't think I have ever noticed him drinking it. So maybe he takes the shot or small cup of the stuff down before he even leaves the kitchen. That sound normal too?
Nah, Male Boss doesn't do the hookah. Instead, he smokes those super slim Frenchie cigs. I don't even know what they're called. That's another thing I don't understand.. smoking. Never smoked a thing in my life, never will. But yeah, Male Boss is a real treat to watch when he's suckin down one of those girlie-ass nicotine pixie sticks.
Oh yeah, it is brewed with the sugar in it, so it is super saturated to the point that it really is a syrup. So yeah, it is indeed the consistancy of pine tar. And this shit isn't filtered, either, like cowboy coffee.
Damnit, now I have to go get me a turkish mill and a cooker thing.
Find a manly one, sir.
I went with this one:
I think that is manly enough.
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