Friday, February 27, 2009

The Kryssmas Chronicles: "Sortie Mission Training"

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Good ol' Kryssmas. As you can readily tell, Kryssmas and Male Boss shared a beautiful connection from the start. He seemed to take a real shine to this pathetic creature and wanted to make it part of the family. It's either that or he was actually training this bird to become a menace.. essentially, even still, making it part of the family.. you know, considering nothing or no one in the office is particularly good, nice, well behaved or even normal. The fact that Kryssmas loves to practice the art of self-mutilation, as noted in the previous tale, there are only a few more benchmarks that need to be reached. The question is if Male Boss will deliver?

I've moved! To read the rest go to or follow this link for this particular story.

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