Thursday, February 05, 2009

Christian Bale Defensive

Would it surprise anyone that I would cover something like this? Well, it should. Typically I can give a shit about these prissy Hollywood types and their ilk, mostly bcuz they are responsible for so many of life's great disappointments. Seriously, as an industry, these fucks probably dish out more disappointments annually than an eschatologist's diary.. wrap your brain around that one, cuz I'm not gonna explain further. Time and time again, we as a race, get hyped up at the idea that Hollywood is gonna breathe life into a great story and after pathetic writers and talentless actors scatter their filth over the potential of what could have been we are left with a limp, whimpering excuse of a movie. Before I spiral out of control on that rant, let's get back to what Angry Time celebrates.. the over the top tirade.

I've moved! To read the rest go to

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